Architect: Mitchell Giurgola
Client: Manhattan College
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Longman Lindsey are the acoustical consultants for the renovation and addition to Manhattan College School of Engineering. This multi-phased project is sized at 50,000 SF. The scope includes an addition to the 1960’s Leo Engineering Building, which will provide science teaching labs and engineering workshops. Renovation of the existing laboratory building includes multiple areas for student collaboration and study space.
Acoustic evaluation of laboratory equipment was an essential element of this project, with assessment of noise to the interior as well as surrounding neighborhood. We also evaluated student collaboration and study areas, and worked with the project team to ensure a balance between sound absorptive finishes and window wall.
This project holds a special place in the resume of Longman Lindsey, as several members of our team obtained their engineering education at Manhattan College. Each year we are delighted to work with Jaspers who intern with us. The unique opportunity to bring the skills we learned at Manhattan College back to a project for the School of Engineering is something of which we will always be proud.