Client: American DG Energy
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Hilton’s DoubleTree Suites in Times Square, Manhattan, is a 45-story hotel surrounded by theaters, restaurants, shops, and museums. It recieved new mechanical equipment upgrades including water-cooled chillers, boilers, ventilation fans, and a cogeneration plant, in a move toward more efficient operations.
Our team conducted a site survey to measure current noise levels and studied the feasibility of replacing existing steam absorbers with a cogeneration plant for the hotel. We reviewed manufacturer’s sound data and equipment cut sheets for possible equipment installation including centrifugal electric chillers, boilers, pumps, inverter generator units, and a low roof/deck generator. We analyzed the new equipment’s potential environmental noise impact as well as the impact to the spaces within the hotel and made recommendations on adding sound attenuation and vibration isolation to keep noise transmission within required limits and maintain the integrity and high standards of DoubleTree.