Architect: Woods Bagot
Client: Westfield
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We were the acoustical consultants for Westfield Group’s offices in the restored historic Corbin Building in Lower Manhattan. The mixed-use landmark building includes offices, retail space, and serves as a gateway to the Fulton Center and 11 subway lines.
Westfield, who manages one of the world’s largest shopping center portfolios, moved their New York offices to the Corbin building. The space includes several conference rooms, open plan offices, and collaboration areas. We surveyed existing conditions at the Corbin, including the historic arched ceilings, and worked with the architect to customize acoustic solutions for the space. Our architectural recommendations included sound attenuation associated with interior walls and partitions to provide sufficient privacy, review of glazing with respect to traffic noise, and interior acoustic finish treatments. Our recommendations also included the mechanical system’s air handling unit noise and vibration control.